Ina Seidel
| birth_place = Halle, Saxony, Prussia, Germany | death_date = | death_place = Ebenhausen (Schäftlarn), Munich, Bavaria, West Germany | occupation = Lyric poetNovelist | education = | notable_works = | spouse = Heinrich Wolfgang Seidel (1876-1945)
(''spouse and cousin: hence the shared pre-marriage family name'') | parents = Hermann Seidel (1855–1895)
Emma Auguste "Emmy" Loesevitz (1861–1945) | children = Heilwig Seidel / Schulte-Strathaus (1908-)
Ulrike Seidel (1915-1918)
Georg Heinrich Balthasar Seidel (1919-1992) | website = }} Ina Seidel (15 September 1885 – 3 October 1974) was a German lyric poet and novelist. In 1930 she published the novel generally regarded as her most famous work, ''Das Wunschkind ''("The Wished-For Child"); two years later she became the first woman admitted to the Prussian Academy of Arts. Her reputation has been shadowed by her enthusiastic support of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. In 1933 she was one of 88 artists to swear the Vow of Total Loyalty (''"Gelöbnis treuester Gefolgschaft"'') to Hitler. Seidel provided a celebratory poem on the occasion of the Führer's birthday in 1939, and was personally named in Joseph Goebbels' 1944 God-Graced List (''"Gottbegnadeten List"'') of artists considered crucial to German culture. She has maintained some relevance in German popular culture despite a dramatic post-1945 decline in popularity. Provided by Wikipedia
10Published 1943Other Authors: “…Seidel, Ina…”
Classmark: D 242Book -
11by Seidel, Heinrich WolfgangOther Authors: “…Seidel, Ina…”
Published 1964
Classmark: FC-Sei 11Book -
12by Seidel, Heinrich WolfgangOther Authors: “…Seidel, Ina…”
Published 1952
Classmark: FC-Sei 10Book -